Week Nine Ordinary Time


Please open your Hymnal to page 3 and join in our processional  “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” Verse 1

O LORD, please don’t burn us,   Don’t grill or toast your flock,

Don’t put us on the barbecue,  Or simmer us in stock,

Don’t braise or bake or boil us,  Or stir fry us in a wok. 

Thank you for that rollicking rendition it was calming in troubled waters.
  Now please open The Holy Text volume 1 to episode 12 page 151 where the prophets say


How do you do there squire, also I am not Minehead lad but I in Peterborough, Lincolnshire was given birth to, but stay in Peterborough Lincolnshire house all during war, owing to nasty running sores, and was unable to go in the streets play football or go to Nürnberg. I am retired vindow cleaner and pacifist, without doing war crimes (hurriedly corrects himself) tch tch tch, and am glad England win World Cup - Bobby Charlton, Martin Peters - and eating lots of chips and fish and hole in the toads, and Dundee cakes on Piccadilly line. Don't you know old chap I was head of Gestapo for ten years. Five years! No, no, nein, I was not head of Gestapo at all...I make joke.


Oooh, Mr Bimmler, you do have us on. (A telephone rings) Oh excuse me I must go and answer that. (leaves the room)

Open your hymnal to page 4 and join us in singing “Holzfaller Song”  Verse 1

Ich wollte... ein Holzfäller sein! Ja, ein Holzfäller! Der von Baum zu Baum hüpft, die auf den mächtigen Wassern von Südtirol hinabschwimmen. Die gigantische Rotbuche! Die Lärche! Die Tanne! Die kräftige Kiefer! Der Duft von frisch gefälltem Holz! Das Geräusch der stürzenden mächtigen Bäume! An meiner Seite, mein liebes Mädel... Und wir würden singen, singen, singen...

Now please open The Holy Text volume 2 to episode 34 page 155 where the prophets say …


I have seen an agent in the town. My life is in danger.


Danger, Clodagh?


Stalin has always hated me.


No one hates you, Clodagh.


I will not let myself fall into the hands of these scum.


I think you should go and have a little lie down, my dear. There is a busy day tomorrow of concerts and promotional tours.


I. One of the founders of the greatest nation on earth. I! Whom Lenin has called his greatest friend.

Homily:  Well, the inauguration of “Sleepy Uncle Joe” is this week.  The FBU says that there are credible threats against all 50 state capitals and Washington D.C. as well.  The Department of Homeland Security says that have no idea what that talk is about there are NO credible threats currently known.  So either the FBI is keeping information from the Department of Homeland Security (which is illegal) or the FBI is delusional.  Neither answer is good. 

Currently S.U.J. plans on day one to start blasting away with his pen.  Currently he plans the following “exciting things”: rejoining the Paris Climate agreement, repealing the travel bad on mostly muslim countries, extend eviction and foreclosure restrictions.  All of course will be “excellent”.  Business and power supply can be strangled by concern over “Climate change”, but who needs power.  Muslims are marvelous people and have never caused any problems in the past from the ability the freely get into the U.S, so I am “sure” that there will be no problems from opening things up again, as there is so much international travel going on right now.  And of course, not paying rent is great for renters, and who really cares if the building owners get their building foreclosed, I am sure that idiots will line up to step in to buy the buildings and keep not getting paid for the use of their property. 

Oh and of course as the Dumbocrats in the house launched another impeachment of the outgoing president, S.U.J. will have many opportunities to work with Repudacrats as they will not object to attacks on the Chump. 

It is going to be a swell (or is that swollen) two years. 


Please join us in our recessional on page 3 of your hymnal “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” second verse. 

Oh Please don’t lightly poach us,  Or Baste us with hot fat,

Don’t fricassee or roast us,    Or boil us in a vat,

And please don’t stick thy servants, Lord,  In a Rotissomat. 


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