Welcome to Week Five of Extra Ordinary Time

This week please enjoy our service in honor of the prophet Terry G.

Please open your Hymnal to page 3 and join in our processional  “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” Verse 1

O LORD, please don’t burn us,   Don’t grill or toast your flock,

Don’t put us on the barbecue,  Or simmer us in stock,

Don’t braise or bake or boil us,  Or stir fry us in a wok. 

Thank you for your spirited rendition, it literally made me "soar" to the rostrum.  

Please open The Holy Text volume 1 to episode 4 page 44 where the prophets say …

Cut to colonel: army recruitment posters on wall behind him.


Right, cut to me. As Officer Commanding the Regular Army's Advertising Division, I object, in the strongest possible terms to this obvious reference to our own slogan 'It's a dog's life... (correcting himself rapidly) a man's life in the modern army' and I warn this programme that any recurrence of this sloppy long-haired civilian plagiarism will be dealt with most severely. Right, now on the command 'cut', the camera will cut to camera two, all right, director... (cut to a man sitting at desk) Wait for it! (cut back to colonel) Camera cut. (cut to man; he has a Viking helmet on)


Open your hymnal to page 38 and join us in singing “Accountancy Sea Shanty”

It can be manly in insurance,  We'll up your premium semi-annually
It's all tax deductible,  We're fairly incorruptible
We're sailing on the wide accountancy!

Oh, this is fun, Mr Cohen, fetch me another exotic cheroot,  Up, up, up your premium
Up, up, up your premium (Scribble away!),  Up, up, up your premium (And balance the books)

Now please open The Holy Text volume 2 to episode 45 page 334 where the prophets say …


Dear Sir, I wish to protest in the strongest possible terms. Yours sincerely, Brigadier N. F. Marwood-Git (retired). Read that back, will you, Brian.


And when he had built up Cedron, he sent Horsemen there, and an host of footmen to the end that issuing out they might make outroads upon the ways of Judea, as the King commanded them...


Good! Pop it in an envelope and bung it off! It's no good bottling these things up, Brian. If you feel them you must say them or you'll just go mad...


Oh yes indeed ... as the book of Maccabee said ... Ye as the flea is like unto an oxen, so is the privet hedge liken unto a botanist black in thy sight, O Lord!


Quite... Look why don't you just nip out for lunch, Brian...


Yea ... as Raymond Chandler said, it was one of those days when Los Angeles felt like a rock-hard fig.


Brian, let's stop this pretending, shall we.


Oh... ye... as Dirk Bogarde said in his autobiography...


Brian... let's stop all this futile pretence... I've... I've always been moderately fond of you...


Well to be quite frank, Brigadier ... one can't walk so closely with a chap like you for... for so long without... feeling something deep down inside, even if it isn't anything... anything ... very much.


Well, splendid... Brian... er... well I don't suppose there's much we can do, really.


Not on television ... no...


No... they ... they are a lot more permissive these days than they used to be...


Ah yes... but not with this sort of thing...


No ... I suppose they've ... got to draw the line somewhere...




Well take a letter, Brian. Dear Sir, I wish to protest...

Homily:  Parishioners, this week we will examine some problems that have developed over the almost years that the COVID-19 vaccines have been around.  From the very start these vaccines have been under the careless supervision of politicians who have only been interested in getting something out there to try and play the “hero”.  Recently, a Government Accounting Office report found that many employees were placed under severe pressure to speed up the process (https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-22-104613)  These pressures were applied to all levels of the scientific oversight: CDC, NIH, and FDA. 

Such interference makes any problems that develop at least partially the responsibility of the politicians who pressured the vaccines through.  Fortunately, due to the “stellar efforts” of the Legacy Media if there were any problems we would of course immediately know about the issues right?  WRONG!  In adults a problem called ‘Vagus Nerve Damage’ has been discovered ( https://www.jpost.com/health-and-wellness/article-696452  ).  But this is neither the only, nor even the most egregious issue that has emerged (despite the legacy media’s ignoring of the problems). 

China, which developed its own vaccine for COVID-19 has discovered Leukemia in some of the children who received the vaccine ( https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/children-china-diagnosed-leukemia-after-taking-chinese-vaccines ).  Since this Chinese Vaccine was used all around the world the problem has been detected where ever children were vaccinated with this “product”. 

Problems are not only developing in China and third world countries.  In Europe a few weeks ago, a new condition called “Hepatitis of Unknown Origin”, or “H.U.O.” emerged in children of various ages ( https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/news-events/update-hepatitis-unknown-origin-children ).  The one common thread was that they all had received the Pfizer/Moderna Vaccine.  Remember that Hepatitis is a condition caused by a malfunctioning Liver not doing its job of cleaning the blood properly.  Bringing us back to last week’s Homily which revealed that the Pfizer Vaccine enters and bonds with Liver Nuclei.  More recently, this condition has also been found in America ( https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/severe-hepatitis-kids-dozens-cases-reported-us-europe-rcna24553 ).  Once again, the only common connection found is that the children all had either the Pfizer or Moderna Vaccine. 

When these Vaccine problems are considered in the light of newly developed respiratory issues for infants and Toddlers that have been caused by the Actual COVID-19 Virus in these youngest patients ( https://www.hsj.co.uk/public-health/exclusive-government-alert-over-surge-in-respiratory-virus-affecting-babies-and-toddlers/7030061.article ) a very concerning choice arises for parents.  Do they Vaccinate and risk their children developing Hepatitis or Leukemia, or do they not Vaccinate and risk life time respiratory issues for their children. 

When this week’s information is taken in consideration with last week’s a picture emerges.  This picture shows politicians pressuring scientists to speed up vaccine processing.  And the resultant vaccines are now obviously causing harm to humans who take them.  Where is the accountability in this issue?


Please join us in our recessional on page 3 of your hymnal “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” second verse. 

Oh Please don’t lightly poach us,  Or Baste us with hot fat,

Don’t fricassee or roast us,    Or boil us in a vat,

And please don’t stick thy servants, Lord,  In a Rotissomat. 


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