The Tenth Week of Ordinary Time


Welcome to the Tenth week of Ordinary Time.

Please open your Hymnal to page 3 and join in our processional  “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” Verse 1

O LORD, please don’t burn us,   Don’t grill or toast your flock,

Don’t put us on the barbecue,  Or simmer us in stock,

Don’t braise or bake or boil us,  Or stir fry us in a wok. 

Thank you for that revitalizing rendition it filled my soul with vitality for this service.  Now please open The Holy Text volume 1 to episode 20 page 264 where the prophets say …

Stock film of fast moving Huns thundering around on horseback.

First Voice Over

In the fifth century, as the once-mighty Roman Empire (America) crumbled, the soft underbelly of Western Europe (Hemisphere) lay invitingly exposed to the barbarian hordes to the East (and West). Alaric the Visigoth (Bill Clinton), Galseric the Vandal (George W. Bush) and Theodoric the Ostrogoth (Barack Obama) in turn swept westward in a reign of (economic) terror. But none surpassed in power and cruelty the mighty Attila the Hun (Sleepy Uncle Joe).

Second Voice Over

Ladies and gentlemen, it's the 'Attila the Hun (Sleepy Uncle Joe) Show '.

Cut to film. Music plays: 'The Debbie Reynolds Show' theme - 'With a little love, just a little love'. We see Attila the Hun running towards Mrs Attila the Hun in slow motion, laughing and smiling.


Open your hymnal to page 16 and join us in singing “Oliver Cromwell”  Verse 4

Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of England (Ole)
Born in 1599, died in 1658 (September)
Then he smashed (Ireland), set up the Commonwealth (and more!).
He crushed the Scots at Worcester, and beat the Dutch at sea in 1653, and then

He dissolved the Rump Parliament,
And with Lambert's consent wrote the instrument of Government
Under which Oliver was Protector at last, The End!

Now please open The Holy Text volume 2 to episode 43 page 307 where the prophets say …

Voice Over

Well they're under starter's orders for this very valuable Queen Victoria Handicap. And they're off, (the starting stall doors fly open; out come eight identically dressed Queen Victorias who go bustling off up the field) and Queen Victoria got a clean jump off, followed by Queen Victoria, Queen Victoria and Queen Victoria. It's Queen Victoria from Queen Victoria and Queen Victoria. It's Queen Victoria making the early running on the inside. And at the back Queen Victoria already a couple of lengths behind the leaders. Queen Victoria has now moved up to challenge Queen Victoria with Queen Victoria losing ground. Queen Victoria tucked in neatly on the stand side with a clear view. Queen Victoria still the back marker as they approach the halfway mark, but making ground now, suddenly past Queen Victoria with Queen Victoria, Queen Victoria and Queen Victoria still well placed as they approach the first fence. (a low angle shot as the Queen Victorias appear over the fence and thunder towards the camera) And at the first fence it's Queen Victoria just ahead of Queen Victoria and Queen Victoria falling away in third place. And Queen Victoria in the lead as they ...


Homily  Well parishioners, as we start 2024, hopefully the last year of Sleepy Uncle Joe careening the nation and world toward a ditch, I thought on this “preanniversary” of the end of the regime that we should take a look at some of the things it has wrought.  I want to start with some fall out from the “infrastructure reinvestment act” touted as one of the “great accomplishments” of the SUJ administration.  One of the many wild promises made for the trillions of dollars blown into the economy was expanding rapid charging to all of America to facilitate EV mass adoption.  Upon reflection a grand total of 2, that’s right TWO charging stations have been built since passage with no further sites projected this year; meanwhile the feckless spending has resulted in 130 BILLION dollars if deficit for just the month of December, 2023 (!  I am sure we all appreciate the very real resultant inflation, but the actual infrastructure looks unimproved. 

Just in case that “boondoggle” (look it up) is not clear to you, lets look at another unintended consequence of SUJ and his maladministration.  As inflation tears people and their financial situation to shreds, the true hedge against inflation is, and has always been, Silver and Gold!  Just this last year, in response to customer interest, COSTCO started offering Gold bars for sale in some of their stores.  The demand has completely outpaced COSTCO’s available store supply (   The company sold over 100 million dollars worth of gold bars and the company’s stock price soared when the news was released! 

And one more things about that COSTCO gold story, initially it was reported that the 100 million was for the 2023 fiscal year, a correction was later added to the story, the 100 Million was actually sold in just ONE Quarter (!  At least some people have found a way to mitigate their losses from the SUJ administration incompetence! 


Please join us in our recessional on page 3 of your hymnal “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” second verse. 

Oh Please don’t lightly poach us,  Or Baste us with hot fat,

Don’t fricassee or roast us,    Or boil us in a vat,

And please don’t stick thy servants, Lord,  In a Rotissomat. 


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