Welcome to the third week of Pythonalia Honoraria, the ministry of Neil Innes
This Third week of
Pythonalia Honoraria we celebrate the man who wrote most of the Monty Python
musical elements, Neal Innes, please enjoy not only his musical efforts but
remember he also played in some of the best sketches of the Prophets ministry.
open your Hymnal to page 3 and join in our processional “O Lord
Please Don’t Burn Us” Verse 1
O LORD, please don’t burn us, Don’t grill or
toast your flock,
Don’t put us on the barbecue, Or simmer us in stock,
Don’t braise or bake or boil us, Or stir fry us in a
Thank you for noting the
“Laconic” directions for this weeks entrance hymn to match the late great Neil
in song. Now please open The Holy Text volume 1 to episode 22 page
295 where the prophets say …
2nd Bruce |
Goodday, Bruce! |
1st Bruce |
Oh, Hello Bruce! |
3rd Bruce |
How are yer Bruce? |
1st Bruce |
Bit crook, Bruce. |
2nd Bruce |
Where's Bruce? |
1st Bruce |
He's not here,
Bruce. |
3rd Bruce |
Blimey, s'hot in
here, Bruce. |
1st Bruce |
S'hot enough to boil
a monkey's bum! |
2nd Bruce |
That's a strange
expression, Bruce. |
1st Bruce |
Well Bruce, I heard
the Prime Minister use it. S'hot enough to boil a monkey's bum in 'ere, your
Majesty,' he said and she smiled quietly to herself. |
3rd Bruce |
She's a good Sheila,
Bruce and not at all stuck up. |
Open your hymnal to the blue insert page C and
join us in singing “When does a Dream begin” verse 1
does a dream begin? Does it start with a goodnight kiss?
Is it conceived or simply
achieved, When does a dream begin?
Is it born in a moment of bliss? Or
is it begun when two hearts are one
When does a dream exist? The vision
of you appears somehow
Impossible to resist, But I'm not
imagining seeing you
For who could have dreamed of
this? When does a dream begin?
When reality is dismissed? Or does it
commence when we lose all pretence
When does a dream begin?
Now please open The Holy
Text volume 2 to episode 29 page 80 where the prophets say …
Woman |
There's another dead
bishop on the landing. |
Church Policeman |
Suffragan or
diocesan? |
Woman |
How should I know? |
Church Policeman |
It's tatooed on the
back of their neck. Ere! Is that rat tart? |
Woman |
Yes. |
Church Policeman |
Disgusting! Right!
The hunt is on. (kneels) Oh Lord we beseech thee tell us who
croaked Leicester. |
Organ music. A huge
hand descends and points at the man. |
Man |
All right, it's a
fair cop, but society is to blame. |
Church Policeman |
Agreed. |
Man |
I would like the
three by the bin to be taken into consideration. |
Church Policeman |
Right. And now, I'd
like to conclude this arrest with a hymn. |
Homily After the warm response last week’s Homily
received for its positive outlook I diligently sought out more positive stories
to continue the vein – and failed to find any.
So in at least the spirit of last week’s homily this week I am going
with more or less “neutral” stories – sorry it was the best I could do.
I will start with
a simple story that focuses on “Left Wing” extremists as more dangerous than
their “Right Wing” cousins (https://www.zerohedge.com/political/domestic-left-wing-extremist-groups-more-dangerous-maga-republicans-experts). This
story, because it comes from Rutgers University, is all the more surprising,
but at least it is good to see that some of the legacy types are finally
admitting the dangers of ANTIFA and their ilk!
The second story I
have selected covers the Oregon and Portland police departments calling fo the
recriminalization of drugs as the “decriminalization” has generated a massive
crime wave and drug addicts street mess in major cities like Portland (https://www.oregon.gov/newsroom/pages/NewsDetail.aspx?newsid=191217). It
is not surporising that the decriminalization did not work, or caused the
problems it is always associated with, nor is it interesting that the police
are calling for recriminalization. The
interesting factor is that the news media are covering the story at all. I guess it shows how filthy the problem
really is!
The final story I
want to highlight this week involves the very large car rental company
Hertz. Two years ago Hertz made a VERY
large bet that Americans would want to rent Electric cars when they purchased a
fleet of them from Tesla. Two years on,
the company has determined that not only do Americans NOT want to rent an
electric car, but once they HAVE rented an electric car they NEVER want to rent
one again (https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/hertz-ceo-out-firm-seeks-traction-after-big-ev-bet-goes-bust). As a result of this abject and complete
failure of the Electric car rental scheme, Hertz has fired the CEO wo dreamt up
the plan and now can not even sell off the used cars to try and recoup some of
the investment as the “interest” in used rental cars has always been slight,
but these lemons simply won’t be squeezed by anyone!
At least each story
has a potentially positive side to it.
join us in our recessional on page 3 of your hymnal “O Lord Please Don’t Burn
Us” second verse.
Oh Please don’t lightly poach us, Or Baste us with hot
Don’t fricassee or roast us, Or boil us in
a vat,
And please don’t stick thy servants, Lord, In a
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