The Eighth Week of Extra Ordinary Time


Welcome all to the Eighth week of Extra Ordinary Time. 

Please open your Hymnal to page 3 and join in our processional  “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” Verse 1

O LORD, please don’t burn us,   Don’t grill or toast your flock,

Don’t put us on the barbecue,  Or simmer us in stock,

Don’t braise or bake or boil us,  Or stir fry us in a wok. 

Thank you to all who have sent comments on our new dog (Seamus).  He is a bundle of joy as he continues to adjust to life in a home instead of a shelter. 

Please open The Holy Text volume 1 to episode 20 page 269 where the prophets say …


Professor! What is it? What have you seen?


Look - there, in the doorway.

Cut to doorway: through it is animation of a huge sheep with an eye patch.


Urghhh! Arthur X! Leader of the Pennine Gang!

ANIMATION: perhaps even mixed with stock film - as the fevered mind of Gilliam takes it - sheep armed to the teeth, sheep executing dangerous raids, Basil Cassidy and the Sundance Sheep, sheep with machine gun coming out of its arse etc.
At the end of the animation, cut to studio. A narrator sitting in what could be a news set at a desk.


But soon the killer sheep began to infect other animals with its startling intelligence. Pussy cats began to arrange mortgages, cocker spaniels began to design supermarkets...


Open your hymnal to page 1 and join us in singing “Do What John?”

Do what John? Come again do what?;  Do what John?,  Do what John?
Do what?,  Do what?;  Do where John?,  Do where John?
Why, what, wiv whom and when?,  Triffic, really triffic!;  Pardon?,  Come again?

Now please open The Holy Text volume 2 to episode 32 page 126 where the prophets say …


The Minister for not listening to people toured Batley today to investigate allegations of victimization in home-loan improvement grants, made last week (photo behind changes to close up of another faceless minister) by the Shadow Minister for judging people at first sight to be marginally worse than they actually are. (photo changes to exterior of the Home Office) At the Home Office, the Minister for inserting himself in between chairs and walls in men's clubs, was at his desk after a short illness. He spent the morning dealing with the Irish situation and later in the day had long discussions with the Minister for running upstairs two at a time, flinging the door open and saying 'Ha, ha! Caught you, Mildred'. (photo of the Houses of Parliament) In the Commons there was another day of heated debate on the third reading of the Trade Practices Bill. Mr Roland Penrose, the Under-Secretary for making deep growling noises grrr, launched a bitter personal attack on the ex-Minister for delving deep into a black satin bag and producing a tube of Euthymol toothpaste. Later in the debate the Junior Minister for being frightened by any kind of farm machinery, challenged the Under-Secretary of State for hiding from Terence Rattigan to produce the current year's trading figures, as supplied by the Department of stealing packets of bandages from the self-service counter at Timothy Whites and selling them again at a considerable profit. Parliament rose at 11:30, and, crawling along a dark passageway into the old rectory (the camera starts to track slowly into the newsreader's face so that it is eventually filling the screen) broke down the door to the serving hatch, painted the spare room and next weekend I think they'll be able to make a start on the boy's bedroom, while Amy and Roger, up in London for a few days, go to see the mysterious Mr Grenville.



He in turn has been revealed by D'Arcy as something less than an honest man. Sybil feels once again a resurgence of her old affection and she and Balreau return to her little house in Clermont-Ferrand, the kind of two-up, two-down house that most French workers throughout the European Community are living in today.


Homily  As the Sleepy Uncle Joe administration continues to teeter toward collapse, the situation at our southern border continues to deteriorate.  Recently, illegals rioted and burst through the border “security” fences, attacking National Guard members attempted to do what the administration will not (  Naturally, some of these invaders were captured and brought into court.  The coward Dumbocan judge they “happened” to be sent before naturally released them on their own recognizance (!  Being the type of person who stands behind (way behind) their decisions the judge naturally held court and released the vermin on a national holiday.  Certainly NOT hoping the event would get swept under the rug by the media on a slow weekend!

Meanwhile, over in Europe the Libtard politician in Sweden who led the charge for open borders now wants “active deportation” of illegals (  While “seeing the error of your ways” is a positive step, I believe that with police “no go zones” in all major Swedish cities, she may be a too late. 

While the Libtards of America have NOT seen the error of their ways yet, we can all see the results of their “replacement” policy.  In an amazing economic study drawn from major legacy sources like Bloomberg and the WSJ, it turns out that since 2018 “American born” workers in the U.S. have lost 1.4 million jobs; while “foreign born workers” (more than half of them Illegal) have gained 3 million (!  I wonder what all those idiotic liars who tried to obfuscate and deny the replacement of Americans would say to defend these results? 


Please join us in our recessional on page 3 of your hymnal “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” second verse. 

Oh Please don’t lightly poach us,  Or Baste us with hot fat,

Don’t fricassee or roast us,    Or boil us in a vat,

And please don’t stick thy servants, Lord,  In a Rotissomat. 


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