The Fourteenth Week of Extra Ordinary Time


Welcome all to the Fourteenth week of Extra Ordinary Time. 

Please open your Hymnal to page 3 and join in our processional  “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” Verse 1

O LORD, please don’t burn us,   Don’t grill or toast your flock,

Don’t put us on the barbecue,  Or simmer us in stock,

Don’t braise or bake or boil us,  Or stir fry us in a wok. 

Thank you, it is good to hear you are in such high spirits, the prophets approve of your “outlook” on life.  

Please open The Holy Text volume 1 to episode 11 page 146 where the prophets say …


The stuff of history is indeed woven in the woof. Pearl Harbour. There are pages in history's book which are written on the grand scale. Events so momentous that they dwarf man and time alike. And such is the Battle of Pearl Harbour, re-enacted for us now by the women of Barley Townswomen's Guild.

Cut to a muddy corner of a field. Miss Rita Fairbanks stands talking straight to camera. Behind her lurk five more pepperpots.


(voice over) Miss Rita Fairbanks - you organized this reconstruction of the Battle of Pearl Harbour - why?


Well we've always been extremely interested in modern drama ... we were of course the first Townswomen's Guild to perform 'Camp On Blood Island', and last year we did our extremely popular re-enactment of 'Nazi War Atrocities'. So this year we thought we would like to do something in a lighter vein...


So you chose the Battle of Pearl Harbour?


Yes, that's right, we did.


Well I can see you're all ready to go. So I'll just wish you good luck in your latest venture.

Open your hymnal to page 26 and join us in singing “I’m so Worried” Verse 2

I'm so worried about my hair falling out,  And the state of the world today
And I'm so worried about being so full of doubt,  About everything anyway

I'm so worried about modern technology,  I'm so worried about all the things
That they dump in the sea, I'm so worried about it,  Worried about it, worried, worried, worried

Now please open The Holy Text volume 2 to episode 30 page 91 where the prophets say …


Cut to an interviewer in a rather dinky little set. On the wall there is a rather prettily done sign, not too big, saying 'Blood, Devastation, Death, War and Horror', as if it were a show's title.


Hello, good evening and welcome to another edition of Blood, Devastation, Death War and Horror, and later on we'll be meeting a man who does gardening. But first on the show we've got a man who speaks entirely in anagrams.


Taht si crreoct.


Do you enjoy it?


I stom certainly od. Revy chum so.


And what's your name?


Hamrag - Hamrag Yatlerot.


Homily  The last couple of weeks have seen world wide rising tensions.  This is nothing new as the summer has always been “the time for fighting in the streets” to quote a poet of an earlier age.  Some of these recent attempts at violent “action” have been short lived Like the military “coup” attempt in Bolivia (  This one ended in about a day with the government surviving, but not all of the struggles have been quashed so easily. 

In Kenya, an ongoing “revolt” led by the young against “environmental austerity” measures imposed by the Kenyan government at the behest of international interests seams to have pushed the younger Kenyans, just trying to get a start in life, past their breaking point (  This is the first such revolt, but there will be more as the “Baby Boomers” try to cling to power since they never bothered to save anything their whole lives.  The results of the “Baby Boomers” complete lack of preparation has led to all younger generations suffering (  In Canada we see the tip of the iceberg.  There the younger generation can not afford their own home, and now in quiet government projections may well NEVER be able to afford their own home, even a CONDO! 

Just yesterday, in Bangladesh students launched riots against laws designed to reserve a quota of jobs for the families of people who fought in Bangladesh War of Independence, from India (  In this case the government has reacted with “shoot to kill” orders along with a dusk curfew to try and end the resistance. 

Even in the land of “Winnie T’Pooh”, the government is unleashing AI bots in it’s “Great Firewall” to ensure that the citizens remain obedient to their leader (  One must wonder how long before the 1.2 Billion people get tired of their ruler and oust him.  But in the interim, the “Pooh” will try anything to remain in power, just like his namesake and Honey. 


Please join us in our recessional on page 3 of your hymnal “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” second verse. 

Oh Please don’t lightly poach us,  Or Baste us with hot fat,

Don’t fricassee or roast us,    Or boil us in a vat,

And please don’t stick thy servants, Lord,  In a Rotissomat. 


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