The Fourth Week of Ordinary Time

 Welcome to the Fourth week of Ordinary Time.

Please open your Hymnal to page 3 and join in our processional  “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” Verse 1

O LORD, please don’t burn us,   Don’t grill or toast your flock,

Don’t put us on the barbecue,  Or simmer us in stock,

Don’t braise or bake or boil us,  Or stir fry us in a wok. 

Thank you for that EDM rendition, it inspired my "worm" as I street danced to the pulpit.  Now please open The Holy Text volume 1 to episode 5 page 62 where the prophets say: 


(as if it's the fourth item)) ... and several butchers aprons. In Fulham this morning a jeweller's shop was broken into and jewellery to the value of £2,000 stolen. Police have issued this picture of a man they wish to interview. (on the screen behind, him, there appears an identical picture of him, sitting at his newsreader desk) The man is in his late twenties wearing a grey suit, a white shirt and a floral tie. (on the screen behind, police come in and remove the newsreader) Will anyone who sees this man or can give any information about his whereabouts contact their nearest police station. (he is handed a piece of paper) Ah! Oh. We've just heard that police have detained the man they wished to interview in connection with the jewel robbery. Ah, but after questioning police have ruled him out of their enquiries and released him. (the other newsreader appears back on the screen and sits down) Sport. (he is handed another piece of paper) Ah, they say, however, that acting on his information they now wish to interview a newsreader in the central London area. Ah, police are concentrating their enquiries on the British Broadcasting Corp ... (a policeman comes in, and removes newsreader in the foreground) Excuse me a minute...

The newsreader on the screen behind continues.

Other Newsreader

We understand a man is now helping police with their enquiries. And that is the end of the news. (he clips a piece of jewellery on to his ear) And now, 'Match of the Day'.

Please open your hymnal to page 16 and join us in singing “Bing Tidde Tiddle Bong”. 

Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bang,    Bung Tiddle Tiddle Bang,

Bung Tiddle Tiddle Tiddle Tiddle Tiddle,

Bung Tiddle Tiddle Bong,    Bung Tiddle Tiddle Bing,

Bung Tiddle Tiddle Bang,

Bing Tiddle Tiddle,    Bang Tiddle Tiddle,    Bong Tiddle Tiddle,

Bing Tiddley Ding Ding Bang Bong.

Now please open The Holy Text volume 2 to episode 43 page 292 where the prophets say …

Peter Woods

We interrupt show jumping to bring you a news flash. The Second World War has now entered a sentimental stage. The morning on the Ardennes Front, the Germans started spooning at dawn, but the British Fifth Army responded by gazing deep in their eyes, and the Germans are reported to have gone 'all coy'.

Music comes in underneath: 'When Does a Dream Begin'. Mix to a young airman on an airfield gazing into a WAAF's eyes. Black and white, soft focus and scratched film to look like a not very good print of a 40's film. Airman sings.

Homily  Parishioners, I thought this week we should revisit the Illegal immigrant crisis, this time from a world wide perspective.  Europe in particular serves as an exemplar as they a few years ahead of us on the decline.  The problem in Europe is so far gone that most countries “immigrant” problems often go overlooked.  As an example here is a story about Rhodes (  This story demonstrates how once the “migrants” settle in large numbers in an area they tend to overwhelm local authorities and simply take over. 

How the “migrants” take over is almost always accomplished with the assistance of politicians who choose to open the borders.  Such insanity was recently demonstrated by the prime minister of Ireland when he announced there is no such thing as an “illegal” (  Arguing instead that they are simply people awaiting “status determination”.  In Ireland’s case the prime ministers overall plan is pretty clear as the above word play was followed by an invitation for illegals to apply to join the Irish Guarda, or police force ( 

What happens after the “migrants” are in and have suppressed the local authorities?  That situation is best seen in the countries that brought in the “migrants” earliest.  In the famous case of Sweden we have the “Grenadiers of Malmo”, illegals who specialize in tossing hand grenades at police and police vehicles if they dare enter the illegals zones (  Once the “migrants” have completely suppressed the authorities then they begin expanding their areas of influence.  This time we will look at one of the Ring leaders of “migrant” importation – the Netherlands (  In this case we have a Moroccan origin “migrant” gang using “bombings, kidnapping and killing” to expand their drug trade into Cologne, Germany.  I am sure that the Irish will enjoy their new “Garda” officers. 


Please join us in our recessional on page 3 of your hymnal “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” second verse. 

Oh Please don’t lightly poach us,  Or Baste us with hot fat,

Don’t fricassee or roast us,    Or boil us in a vat,

And please don’t stick thy servants, Lord,  In a Rotissomat. 


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