The Seventh Week of Ordinary Time


Welcome to the Seventh week of Ordinary Time.

Please open your Hymnal to page 3 and join in our processional  “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” Verse 1

O LORD, please don’t burn us,   Don’t grill or toast your flock,

Don’t put us on the barbecue,  Or simmer us in stock,

Don’t braise or bake or boil us,  Or stir fry us in a wok. 

Thank you for that dirge paced rendition as I limped to the pulpit, my sore back appreciated it.  Now please open The Holy Text volume 1 to episode 9 page 116 where the prophets say …

(Cut back to Canadian backdrop. In front, a man with a knotted handkerchief on his heed, a woolly pullover, and braces. Superimposed caption on the screen ' PROF. R. J. GUMBY')

Gumby: Well I think TV's killed real entertainment. In the old days we used to make our own fun. At Christmas parties I used to strike myself on the head repeatedly with blunt instruments while crooning. (sings) 'Only make believe, I love you, (hits himself on head with bricks) Only make believe that you love me, (hits himself) Others find peace of mind...'

(Cut to a swish nightclub. Compare enters.)

Open your hymnal to page 26 and join us in singing “I’m So Worried”  Verse 3

I'm so worried about modern technology,  I'm so worried about all the things
That they dump in the sea, I'm so worried about it,  Worried about it, worried, worried, worried

I'm so worried about everything that can go wrong, 
I'm so worried about whether people like this song,
I'm so worried about this very next verse,  It isn't the best that I've got

Now please open The Holy Text volume 2 to episode 32 page 122 where the prophets say …

(Close up on a sign saying 'Harley Street'. Stirring music. Mix through to interior of a smart, plush, ever so expensive Harley Street consulting room. The music swells and fades. Knocking at door, a short pause, then T.F. Gumby enters, backwards.)

T. F. Gumby: Doctor! Doctor! DOCTOR! (he goes up to the antique desk and bangs the bell violently; he smashes the intercom and generally breaks the desk up) Doctor! Doctor! DOCTOR! DOCTOR! Doctor! Doctor! Where is the Doctor?

(A pause. Then another door opens and another Gumby appears.)

Specialist: Hello!

T. F. Gumby: Are you the' brain specialist?

Specialist: Hello!

T. F. Gumby: Are you the brain specialist?

Specialist: No, no, I am not the brain specialist. No, no, I am not... Yes. Yes I am.

T. F. Gumby: My brain hurts!

Specialist: Well let's take a look at it, Mr. Gumby.

(Gumby specialist starts to pull up Gumby's sweater.)

T. F. Gumby: No, no, no, my brain in my head. (specialist thumps him on the head)

Specialist: It will have to come out.

T. F. Gumby: Out? Of my head?

Specialist: Yes! All the bits of it. Nurse! Nurse! (a nurse enters) Nurse, take Mr. Gumby to a brain surgeon.

Homily  In this last service for 2024 I thought I would look at the proclaimed weather apocalypse that the main stream media have been proclaiming for decades.  I will start with an on the surface typical example of the common climate catastrophe claim story (  However, as the zerohedge commentator states, the data actually shows that temperatures are getting colder on a year by year basis. 

To demonstrate where the current weather trend is headed I though I would include a map from one of my favorite web sites – the visual capitalist, which shows what the ice pack looked like in the last Ice Age (  Please remember that overall these Ice Ages are normal and take place every 32,000 years.  Further evidence arose this week showing that we are probably already in the throes of the starting Ice Age (  Although in 2012 “experts” were claiming that the North Pole ice pack would be gone in 2013, it turns out that at the end of 2024 we have a vastly expanded (more than 25%) North Pole Ice pack! 

Finally, I want to wrap up with the ultimate reality of science, a study showing the Earth’s temperature over the last 500 million years (  One glance at this data shows one simple fact, the planets temperature is currently at the LOWEST level in the 500 million years of data!  One can only hope that the Globe will do some “warming”. 


Please join us in our recessional on page 3 of your hymnal “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” second verse. 

Oh Please don’t lightly poach us,  Or Baste us with hot fat,

Don’t fricassee or roast us,    Or boil us in a vat,

And please don’t stick thy servants, Lord,  In a Rotissomat. 


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