Fifteenth Week of Ordinary Time


Welcome to the Fifteenth week of Ordinary Time.

Please open your Hymnal to page 3 and join in our processional  “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” Verse 1

O LORD, please don’t burn us,   Don’t grill or toast your flock,

Don’t put us on the barbecue,  Or simmer us in stock,

Don’t braise or bake or boil us,  Or stir fry us in a wok. 

Thank you for your energy, this has been a draining week.  Now please open The Holy Text volume 1 to episode 12 page 155 where the prophets say …

Good afternoon and welcome to Hurlingham Park. You join us just as the competitors are running out onto the field on this lovely winter's afternoon here, with the going firm underfoot and very little sign of rain. Well it certainly looks as though we're in for a splendid afternoon's sport in this the 127th Upperclass Twit of the Year Show. Well the competitors will be off in a moment so let me just identify for you. (close-up of the competitors) Vivian Smith-Smythe-Smith has an O-level in chemo-hygiene. Simon-Zinc-Trumpet-Harris, married to a very attractive table lamp. Nigel Incubator-Jones, his best friend is a tree, and in his spare time he's a stockbroker. Gervaise Brook-Hampster is in the Guards, and his father uses him as a wastepaper basket. And finally Oliver St John-Mollusc, Harrow and the Guards, thought by many to be this year's outstanding twit. Now they're moving up to the starting line, there's a jolly good crowd here today. Now they're under starter's orders ... and they're off! 

Open your hymnal to page 22 and join us in singing “The Background to History” 

Oh it's written in the village rolls,  That if one plough-team wants an oxen
And that oxen is lent,  Then the villeins and the ploughmen got to have the loooord's consent

Yeah, yeah, 
Then the villeins and the ploughmen got to have the lord's consent (repeat 4 times)

Now please open The Holy Text volume 2 to episode 25 page 21 where the prophets say … communist quiz

Good evening. Tonight is indeed a unique occasion in the history of television. We are very privileged, and deeply honoured to have with us in the studio, Karl Marx, founder of modern socialism, and author of the 'Communist Manifesto'. (Karl Marx is sitting at a desk; he nods) Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov, better known to the world as Lenin, leader of the Russian Revolution, writer, statesman, and father of modern communism. (shot of Lenin also at desk; he nods) Che Guevara, the Cuban guerrilla leader. (shot of Guevara) And Mao Tse-tung, leader of the Chinese Communist Party since 1949. (shot of Mao; the presenter picks up a card) And the first question is for you, Karl Marx. The Hammers - The Hammers is the nickname of what English football team? 'The Hammers? (shot of Karl Marx furrowing his brow- obviously he hasn't a clue) No? Well bad luck there, Karl. So we'll go onto you Che. Che Guevara - Coventry City last won the FA Cup in what year? (cut to Che looking equally dumbfounded) No? I'll throw it open. Coventry City last won the FA Cup in what year? (they all look blank) No? Well, I'm not surprised you didn't get that. It was in fact a trick question. Coventry City have never won the FA Cup. So with the scores all equal now we go onto our second round, and Lenin it's your starter for ten. Teddy Johnson and Pearl Carr won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1959. What was the name of the song? ... Teddy Johnson and Pearl Carr's song in the 1959 Eurovision Song Contest? Anybody? (buzzer goes as in 'University Challenge'.' zoom in on Mao Tse-tung) Yes, Mao Tse-tung?


Homily  Well Parishioners, this week the “peaceful integration” of East African “Immigrants” into Europe was on display (  As the “immigrants” rioted and attacked police, they showed that they have no respect for the legal and social customs of the country they are “hosted” in and will attempt to change the system to their own desires by any means possible. 

A little further behind the European curve of “Integration”, here in America the spear point of “integration”, Kalifornia.  The “leadership” of San Francisco decided to appoint a “non-citizen” to their election commission (  After all, who can better represent how to “run” an American election system into the ground better than a non citizen who formerly lived in Hong Kong.  I mean they certainly have a great deal of recent experience in running a voting system! 

It is a good thing that the upper leadership of our Customs and Border Patrol is run by stable people (  I mean after all we would not want a senior CPB official abusing his position in CPB to fuel and spread his Fentanyl habit! 


Please join us in our recessional on page 3 of your hymnal “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” second verse. 

Oh Please don’t lightly poach us,  Or Baste us with hot fat,

Don’t fricassee or roast us,    Or boil us in a vat,

And please don’t stick thy servants, Lord,  In a Rotissomat. 


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