The Sixth Week of Extra Ordinary Time.


Welcome all to the Sixth week of Extra Ordinary Time. 

Please open your Hymnal to page 3 and join in our processional  “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” Verse 1

O LORD, please don’t burn us,   Don’t grill or toast your flock,

Don’t put us on the barbecue,  Or simmer us in stock,

Don’t braise or bake or boil us,  Or stir fry us in a wok. 

As my family works on adding a new "Canine American" to our family I appreciated your “Snoop Dogg” inspired free style in place of the standard processional, Lucy is smiling.   

Please open The Holy Text volume 1 to episode 8 page 96 where the prophets say …


Two civilian gentlemen to see you ... sir!


Show them in please, sergeant.


Mr Dino Vercotti and Mr Luigi Vercotti.

The Vercotti brothers enter. They wear Mafia suits and dark glasses.


Good morning, colonel.


Good morning gentlemen. Now what can I do for you.


(looking round office casually)You've ... you've got a nice army base here, colonel.




We wouldn't want anything to happen to it.




No, what my brother means is it would be a shame if... (he knocks something off mantel)




Oh sorry, colonel.


Open your hymnal to page 18 and join us in singing “I Like Chinese” Verse 1

The world today seems absolutley crackers,  With nuclear bombs to blow us all sky high.
There's fools and idiots sitting on the trigger.  It's depressing, and it's senseless, and that's why...
I like chinese,  I like chinese,
They only come up to you knees,  Yet they're always friendly and they're ready to to please.

I like chinese,  I like chinese,
There's nine hundred million of them in the world today,  You'd better learn to like them, that's what I say.

Now please open The Holy Text volume 2 to episode 34 page 156 where the prophets say …


Excuse me. Is this the British Consulate?


Yes yes... si si...that is correctment. Yes... Piccadilly Circus, mini-skirt and Joe Lyons.


I wish to see the consul, please.


Yes, yes, speakee speakee... me Blitish consul.


Oh! (he examines his diary.) You are Rear Admiral Sir Dudley Compton?


No. He died. He have heart attack and fell out of window onto exploding bomb, and was killed in a shooting accident. I...I his how you say...succ...sussor.


Oh, successor.


I'm his successor, Mr Atkinson.




Would you like drinkee? Or game bingo?


Well.... A drink would be very nice.

The Chinaman claps his hands and another runs in and bows obsequiously.


Mr. Livingstone. Go and get sake.


Yes, Boss. (goes)


How is Tonblidge Wells? How I long to see again walls of famous Shakespeare-style theatre in Stlatford-on-Avon.


Oh well, I'm a West Country man myself, Mr. Atkinson.


Oh Texas - Arizona - Kit Carson Super Scout.


No. No. West of England... Cornwall.


(with difficulty) Coron... worll...




Coronworl...oh yes know Coronworl very well. Went to school there, mother and father live there, ah yes. Go many weekend parties and polo playing cards in blidge club. Belong many clubs in Coronworld.

Homily  Parishioners, As a Turkish Illegal who was interviewed by Fox News stated that Americans SHOULD be worried about who is crossing illegally into the country (  We also saw evidence of why the Dumbocans are allowing this to happen.  It turns out that “Jackass party” fully understands how they are cheating on the elections and have no intention of stopping ( Now all that remains is whether America will do anything about it? 

 So what have the Dumbocans “Friends” been up to lately?  Well lets take a look.  First off we have an illegal alien “influencer” who has been publishing “content” on Tiktok bragging about how much money he has scammed from the Federal government.  In a positive development this flea riddled animal has been caught (!  Now we get to wonder what the courts will do with him. 

In another instance one of Interpol’s top ten most wanted (a Columbian drug cartel leader) was discovered “working” out of a “migrant center” in Texas (, Certainly, good to see that at least he was “working”! 

Just in case anyone wants to argue about the “benefits” of the illegal migrant invasion we have thanks to the Dumbocans, another recent article out of Germany should put that idea out of its miserable existence (  Turns out in Germany, the epicenter of the illegal invasion in Europe, 63% of the people receiving Unemployment checks are illegals.  I guess the 37% left over must be making tens of millions to make the situation a net “positive” economically for the Germans – Right?


Please join us in our recessional on page 3 of your hymnal “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” second verse. 

Oh Please don’t lightly poach us,  Or Baste us with hot fat,

Don’t fricassee or roast us,    Or boil us in a vat,

And please don’t stick thy servants, Lord,  In a Rotissomat. 


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