The Third Week of Extra Ordinary Time


Welcome all to the Third week of Extra Ordinary Time. 

Please open your Hymnal to page 3 and join in our processional  “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” Verse 1

O LORD, please don’t burn us,   Don’t grill or toast your flock,

Don’t put us on the barbecue,  Or simmer us in stock,

Don’t braise or bake or boil us,  Or stir fry us in a wok. 

Please open The Holy Text volume 1 to episode 18 page 242 where the prophets say …


'Seven Brides for Seven Brothers'. (slight applause)

The curtain pans. Enter headmaster in mortar board and gown.


'Tis time the seven Smith brothers had brides. Fetch me Smith Major.

Enter Smith Major in short pants.

First Smith



'Tis time you and your six brothers were married.

First Smith

Thank you, Headmaster.


Fetch me your six brothers, that the seven brothers may be together.

Smith Major rings handbell. Three boys enter and stand next to him.


Behold, the seven brothers.


Right, I'll see Watson, Wilkins, and Spratt in my study afterwards.

First Smith

(has to be prompted, then declaims badly) But where shall we find seven brides for seven brothers?

Second Smith

The Sabine School for Girls.

Third Smith

Yes, and it's the Annual Dance.


Fetch hither the seven brides for seven brothers.


Open the Blue insert in your hymnal page K and join us in singing “Knights of the Round Table” verse 1

We're Knights of the Round Table,  We dance when ere we're able
We do routines and chorus scenes,  With footwork impeccable

We dine well here in Camelot,  We eat ham and jam and spam a lot

Now please open The Holy Text volume 2 to episode 38 page 211 where the prophets say …

Voice Over

There now follows a Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the Conservative and Unionist Party.

Cut to a politician sitting on a chair. He is in fact in a rehearsal room, but we don't see this for the first six lines.


Good evening. Figures talk. We have already fulfilled over three of our election pledges before the end of our second year of good Conservative rule. And, what is more (gets up and starts to do dancing movements as he speaks) We hope ... that in the aut-tumn we shall int-ro-duce leg-is-lat-tion in the House to bene-fit all those in low-er in-come groups. And fur-ther-more we hope...

Enter a choreographer.


No, no, no, no... look, luv, it's and... (does the movements) one and two and three and four, and five and six and seven and down.


(trying the last bit) ... five and six and seven and down... it's so much harder with the words.


Well, don't think of them. Just count four in your head.


Homily  Parishioners, recently “Wokeistry” has been showing extreme signs of its own collapse from intellectual incompetence and dishonesty, so I thought I would speak today about a few of the more flagrant examples. 

In a stunning display of willful ignorance combined with attempted wishful thinking Over in Britain a “Diversity Exhibit” made the inane claim that Ancient Britain was populated with people of Sub Saharan African Descent (!  This ridiculous claim is based upon finds that some of the soldier remains found at the Roman Fort in York England were genetically from Africa.  Since all of Africa North of the Sahara (called the Sahel) was conquered by the Romans there were generally soldiers from the region to be found in all units of the Imperial Roman Army.  But to phantasmagoricly try and claim that these soldier represent Sub Saharan African people flies in the face of basic History, since the Legionaires all HAD to be Roman Citizens, and Rome never expanded south of the Sahara!  Just another example of not allowing “Facts” to get in the way of some idiotic claim you want to make.

In a much more modern example of “Wokeist” stupidity, here in America Seattle has decided to end its “Gifted and Talented” program in its public schools.  Now if such were being done as a budget cut, or because they did not have enough students to warrant its continuation, or even because some “new” learning says that such programs are “bad” in some fashion I would say “OK”.  But in this case, it is for far less “educated” a reason.  It turns out the program was cancelled for being too “white” (!  That is right, if the educational system ends up with too many “White” students standing out as exceptional, then the educational system must CEASE allowing anyone to stand out! 

Returning to Britain “for something completely different”, the Greenwich Museum, Queen’s House has decided to create an 2SLGBTQIA+ friendly series of audio tours.  Among these entries is an effort for Queen Charlotte, the spouse of King George III (1763-1820).  In this “guide” is the ridiculous claim that Queen Charlotte was of African Descent (  Queen Charlotte (George III) must be of African descent because … Bridgerton TV show cast an African in role.)!  Naturally the “ground breaking” historical research relied on for this claim was the fact that an actress of African descent was cast in the recent television show “Bridgerton” in the role of Queen Charlotte!  So, literally, they are trying to force “life to imitate art”!  With such stirring and luminary ideals and thinking spearheading “Wokeistry” their future is obviously accelerating in its current trajectory. 


Please join us in our recessional on page 3 of your hymnal “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” second verse. 

Oh Please don’t lightly poach us,  Or Baste us with hot fat,

Don’t fricassee or roast us,    Or boil us in a vat,

And please don’t stick thy servants, Lord,  In a Rotissomat. 


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