The Sixth and Final Week of Silly Time


Welcome to the sixth and final Week of “Silly Time”, The six week period between when the gifts of the prophets were bestowed upon Britain and when the same gifts were poured out upon the colonies.  This is a time of solemn introspection and reflection on our lives and their direction. 

Please open your Hymnal to page 3 and join in our processional  “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” Verse 1

O LORD, please don’t burn us,   Don’t grill or toast your flock,

Don’t put us on the barbecue,  Or simmer us in stock,

Don’t braise or bake or boil us,  Or stir fry us in a wok. 

Thank you for that burlesque edition of the processional, it certainly makes one feel sleazy as they approach the pulpit, pretty much the same way I feel when listening to some political ads.  Please open The Holy Text volume 1 to episode 16 page 214 where the prophets say …


Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake baker's man. Good morning, madam, I'm a psychiatrist.


You look like a milkman to me.


Good. (ticks form on his clipboard) I am in fact dressed as a milkman... you spotted that - well done.


Go away.


Now then, madam. I'm going to show you three numbers, and I want you to tell me if you see any similarity between them. (holds up a card saying '3' three times)


They're all number three.


No. Try again.


They're all number three?


No. They're all number three. (he ticks his board again) Right. Now. I'm going to say a word, and I want you to say the first thing that comes into your head. How many pints do you want?


Please open your hymnal to page 21 and join us in singing “Here Comes Another One”

I know whatever it is,  I've not seen one before

But here comes another one,  And here comes a bunch of 'em

Here comes another one,  Thank God I'm not having lunch with them

Now please open The Holy Text volume 2 to episode 32 page 126 where the prophets say …

(Cut to a 'Nine O'clock News' set. A newsreader is at a desk. Photos come up on inlay screen behind him. An anonymous minister's photo is on screen.)

Newsreader (Michael Palin): The Minister for not listening to people toured Batley today to investigate allegations of victimization in home-loan improvement grants, made last week (photo behind changes to close up of another faceless minister) by the Shadow Minister for judging people at first sight to be marginally worse than they actually are. (photo changes to exterior of the Home Office) At the Home Office, the Minister for inserting himself in between chairs and walls in men's dubs, was at his desk after a short illness. He spent the morning dealing with the Irish situation and later in the day had long discussions with the Minister for running upstairs two at a time, flinging the door open and saying 'Ha, ha! Caught you, Mildred'.  …

Homily  As the violence in the Middle East continues to take further and further worse directions (, mostly driven by Bibi’s desire to keep his own butt out of prison (and apparently his wife too).  I have recently noted a different, and more disturbing trend in the situation.  It appears that the world is turning against Israel. 

Now of course some nations coming out against Israel is simply in their nature.  China for example is always more interested in influence over governments, than which side is “right” in a situation (  However, the trend is not confined to “the usual suspects”. 

In Justin “Black/Brown Face” Trudeau administered Canada the government recently revoked Israel’s Jewish National Fund’s charitable status (  This action was carried out because in Justin’s (lying) words “the Charity supports the Israeli army.  I do not believe that supporting wounded soldiers is quite the same as “supporting the army”, but Justin says so. 

If the oddity was confined to “Canadabad” then it would be one thing and probably, like everything else Justin has put his hand to vapid and infantile.  However the always virtue signaling META Board recently decided that the saying “From the  River to the Sea” is NOT “Hate Speech” (  Thus, it IS allowed on their various and sundried platforms. 

Having the likes of: Winnie the Pooh, Justin “Pedophile” Trudeau, and “perennial also ran” META, turn on Israel is one thing, but when major American corporations also do so things are getting more serious.  Recently, American Airlines, as well as Delta Airlines announced they would stop flying in or out of Tel Aviv (  They still fly in and out of Tehran, and as of my writing of this week’s Homily are still flying in and our of Beirut, but not Tel Aviv.  Overall I would call this a trend all Christians with any sense of the Bible should watch. 


Please join us in our recessional on page 3 of your hymnal “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” second verse. 

Oh Please don’t lightly poach us,  Or Baste us with hot fat,

Don’t fricassee or roast us,    Or boil us in a vat,

And please don’t stick thy servants, Lord,  In a Rotissomat. 


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