The Thirteenth Week of Ordinary Time.


Welcome to the Thirteenth week of Ordinary Time.

Please open your Hymnal to page 3 and join in our processional  “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” Verse 1

O LORD, please don’t burn us,   Don’t grill or toast your flock,

Don’t put us on the barbecue,  Or simmer us in stock,

Don’t braise or bake or boil us,  Or stir fry us in a wok. 

Thank you for that smooth rendition it calmed my disgust at the Statistical liars running amok in our society.  Now please open The Holy Text volume 1 to episode 13 page 176 where the prophets say …


Too much man, groovy, great scene. Great light show, baby.


What are you doing in there?


We're doing our own thing, man.


Have you got Mr Nottob's permission to be in there?


We're squatters, baby.


What? (to nurse about Notlob) Nurse, wake him up. (she slaps his face)


Don't get uptight, man. Join the scene and other phrases. Money isn't real.


It is where I'm standing and it blows my mind, young lad. (looks inside Notlob) Good Lord! Is that a nude woman?


She's doing an article on us for 'Nova', man.


(her head also appearing through slit) Hi everyone. Are you part of the scene?


Are you rolling your own jelly babies in there?

Open your hymnal to page 21 and join us in singing “Here comes another one” 

Here comes another one,  Here it comes again
Here comes another one,  When will it ever end?

I dunno whatever it is,  I've not seen one before
But here comes another one,  And here comes a bunch of 'em
Here comes another one,  Thank God I'm not having lunch with them

Now please open The Holy Text volume 2 to episode 29 page 89 where the prophets say …


I want to complain. ('Spreaders' who is just inside the door hits man on the head with a mallet) Ooh!


No, no, no, hold your head like this, and then go 'waaagh'! Try it again. (he hits him again)




Better. Better. But 'waaaaaghh'! 'Waaaagh'! Hold your hands here ...




Now. (hits him)




That's it. That's it. Good.


Stop hitting me!




Stop hitting me.


Stop hitting you?




What did you come in here for then?


I came here to complain.


Oh I'm sorry, that's next door. It's being hit on the head lessons in here.


What a stupid concept.

Homily  Parishioners, recently we received some good news as well as some bad news on the illegal immigration front.  Aside from the startling decline in border incidents and rise of self deportations among illegals, both of which are nice, we are also seeing signs of desperation.  Recently the crew on a boat loaded with illegals was caught by the Coast Guard and after boarding the boat the trafficking crew tried to fist fight with the Coast Guard crew (  Fortunately the human traffickers were no match for our guardsmen and the miscreants were apprehended despite their pugilistic attempts. 

In another sign of the desperation of the criminals recently video emerged of supposed cartel members opening fire over the border at American border patrol agents (  Fortunately our agents held their ground and in the end did not open fire on the foreigners intent on entry to our country and still managed to keep the near-do-wells out of our country.  But obviously the criminals without are attempting to test our new won resolve. 

However, not all the new ideas of criminals south of the border down Mexico way, have proven as abject of failures.  In San Clemente California the local government has decided to try and put up cameras on their Pacific Ocean beach front because Human Traffickers are using small boats to duck around the more intensely patrolled border to drop off the illegal payload (  What purpose there is to videoing the delivery of these illegals eludes me.  Perhaps the local clown officials wish to celebrate each new boatload, or they are planning to use the video to argue for more money from the feds for census purposes.  I would suggest assigning several police officers as a more effective response. 

As to why all this aggravation must be gone through and by way of a parting “gift” from the none too soon outgoing Biden/Harris (Mis)administration.  It turns out that the January jobs report, when you dig down into the numbers, actually showed that native born American gained NO JOBS!  While “immigrants” obtained just over A MILLION JOBS (!  Literally ALL of the new jobs last month went to “immigrants”.  An “America First” Agenda is truly needed at this time. 


Please join us in our recessional on page 3 of your hymnal “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” second verse. 

Oh Please don’t lightly poach us,  Or Baste us with hot fat,

Don’t fricassee or roast us,    Or boil us in a vat,

And please don’t stick thy servants, Lord,  In a Rotissomat. 


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