The Sixteenth Week of Ordinary Time
Welcome to the sixteenth
week of Ordinary Time.
open your Hymnal to page 3 and join in our processional “O Lord
Please Don’t Burn Us” Verse 1
O LORD, please don’t burn us, Don’t grill or
toast your flock,
Don’t put us on the barbecue, Or simmer us in stock,
Don’t braise or bake or boil us, Or stir fry us in a
I do hope you have all been enjoying the string of unseasonably warm days we have been having. I know I have. Now please open The Holy Text volume 1 to episode 10 page 130
where the prophets say …
Chairman |
Yes, well, that
seems to me to be very sensible Mr Phipps. I can't pretend that this library
hasn't had its difficulties ... Mr Robertson, your predecessor, an excellent
librarian, savaged three people last week and had to be destroyed. |
Gorilla |
I'm sorry sir. |
Chairman |
Oh, no, don't be
sorry. You see, I don't believe that libraries should be drab places where
people sit in silence, and that's been the main reason for our policy of
employing wild animals as librarians. |
Vicar |
And also, they're
much more permissive. Pumas keep Hank Janson on open shelves... |
Chairman |
Yes. Yes. Yes. (a maniacal look in his eyes) Yes, yes Mr Phipps. I love seeing the
customers when they come in to complain about some book being damaged, and
ask to see the chief librarian and then ... you should see their faces when
the proud beast leaps from his tiny office, snatches the book from their
hands and sinks his fangs into their soft er ... (collects himself) Mr Phipps ... Kong! You can be our
next librarian - you're proud, majestic and fierce enough ... will you do it? |
Gorilla |
I ... don't think I
can sir. |
Vicar |
Why not? |
Gorilla |
I.. I'm not really a
gorilla. |
Vicar |
Eh? |
Gorilla |
I'm a librarian in a
skin. |
Chairman |
Why this deception? |
Gorilla |
Well, they said it
was the best way to get the job. |
Chairman |
Get out, Mr
Librarian Phipps, seeing as you're not a gorilla, but only dressed up as one,
trying to deceive us in order to further your career ... (gorilla leaves) Next. (a dog comes in) Ah. Mr Pattinson ... Sit! |
Open the Blue insert in
your hymnal page K and join us in singing “Knights of the Round Table” verse 1
Knights of the Round Table, We dance when ere we're able
We do routines and chorus scenes, With footwork impeccable
dine well here in Camelot, We eat ham and jam and spam a lot
Now please open The Holy
Text volume 2 to episode 28 page 70 where the prophets say …
Nazi Fish |
Welcome aboard, Britisher pig.
Quite a little surprise, ja? But perhaps you would be so kind as to tell us
all you know about certain allied shipping routes, ja? Come on, talk! |
The Nazi fish is
swallowed by a fish with an RAF emblem. |
British Fish |
Hello, Fritz. Tables seem to have
turned, old chap, let's see how you like a bit of your own medicine, eh? Come
on, Fritz, now tell us - tell us about... |
The British fish is
swallowed by a Chinese fish. |
Chinese Fish |
Ah, gleetings, capitalist dog;
very sorry but must inform you, you are now prisoner of People's Republic. |
Second Voice |
Am very sorry, comrade commando,
but we have just picked up capitalist ship on ladar scanner. |
The Chinese fish bites
the underside of a large ship. Film of big liner sinking in storm. General
panic and dramatic music. |
Homily Well Parishioners, as the “Wokerati” persist
in their incompetent drive toward “D.E.I.”.
Some of the recent ideas floated (and sunk) to work toward this goal
included Lowering the standards and aptitude requirements for joining the U.S.
military, because the D.E.I. drive has killed recruiting ( I
am quite certain that lowering the requirements for the sailors who manage the
Nuclear program poses no problems at all – RIGHT?
Meanwhile the (mis)management
at supposed charity OXFAM has them wasting money lecturing their workers on terminology
usage instead of helping the poor (
because everyone gets the day off
e-tells-staff-avoid-using-offensive-words-mother-people-and). I
am sure that the starving poor appreciate the sensitivity to pronouns instead
of a focus on delivering food!
However, recently
D.E.I. seems to be recalibrating into “D.I.E.” through some extremely dangerous
moves. For example Canada’s “Royal
College of Physicians and Surgeons” recently decided to change the focus of its
training on to “Anti Oppression & Racism as well as Social Justice” instead
of so called “Medical Expertise” (! I
am sure that their patients will appreciate the “improved” standard of
care. I am sure Hippocrates would
Finally, in what
may be the ultimate “D.I.E.” experiment in the name of “D.I.E.” Pete “Buttcheech”
wants to hire people who are: “deaf, blind, have severe intellectual and/or
Psychiatric Disability” as AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS (!
Remember it is all about giving everyone an “opportunity”. So now you have the opportunity to avoid
medical care in Canada and avoid flying in America. Remember they are the “friendly skies”
join us in our recessional on page 3 of your hymnal “O Lord Please Don’t Burn
Us” second verse.
Oh Please don’t lightly poach us, Or Baste us with hot fat,
Don’t fricassee or roast us, Or boil us in
a vat,
And please don’t stick thy servants, Lord, In a
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