Week One of Pythonalia Honoraria: The Ministry of Ian MacNaughton


Welcome to the first week of our SUPER time, “Pythonalia Honoraria” where we will spend four weeks celebrating the four Honorary Pythons.  This week, week one, we will start with Ian MacNaughton, famed director of most of the tele episodes and the Pythons first feature length movie. 

Please open your Hymnal to page 3 and join in our processional  “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” Verse 1

O LORD, please don’t burn us,   Don’t grill or toast your flock,

Don’t put us on the barbecue,  Or simmer us in stock,

Don’t braise or bake or boil us,  Or stir fry us in a wok. 

Now please open The Holy Text volume 1 to episode 16 page 218 where the prophets say …

First Hermit

Still there's one thing about being a hermit, at least you meet people.

Second Hermit

Oh yes, I wouldn't go back to public relations.

First Hermit

Oh well, bye for now Frank, must toddle.


(coming on) Right, you two hermits, stop that sketch. I think it's silly.

Second Hermit



It's silly.

Second Hermit

What do you mean, you can't stop it - it's on film.


That doesn't make any difference to the viewer at home, does it? Come on, get out. Out. Come on out, all of you. Get off, go on, all of you. Go on, move, move. Go on, get out. Come on, get out, move, move.

He shoos them and the film crew off the hillside.


Open your hymnal to page 5 and join us in singing “Dennis Moore” verse 1

Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore,  Galloping through the sward
Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore,  And his horse Concorde
He steals from the rich,  And gives to the poor
Mr. Moore, Mr. Moore, Mr. Moore

Now please open The Holy Text volume 2 to episode 26 page 30 where the prophets say … Dennis Moore

Voice Over

Our first contestant is a hairdresser from...

A shot rings out and the contestant falls to the floor. Applause.
Cut to a camp highwayman in a pink mask who blows smoke from a gun and puts it back in the holster.


I never did like that kind of person... !

A shot rings out. He dies. Cut to Dennis Moore on a horse blowing smoke from gun and putting it in his holster. He gallops off. We see him swooping down, after a couple of riding shots, on another stagecoach.


Halt! Halt! (the stage comes to a halt and the occupants get out rapidly, their hands held high) Gentlemen, ladies, bring out your valuables please. Come along sir, come along. Come along, madam, come along. Oh, is that all you've got ... well, he's got much more than you ... so you'd better have some of his ... (transfers money from one passenger to another, dropping some)... sorry... pick them up in a moment... there's about oh, what, nine down there... so you must have about... oh, he's still got lots... oh you've got what? ... you've got more than he started with... so if I give you some of those (transferring more coins) ... well now, look ... have you got a bit of jewellery? If I give you that one and you have some of his coins (the credits start, superimposed) ... is that another box? Were you trying to hide it? Well, that's nice! Right! Now. I've got a tiara ... you've got one... you've got one of the boxes... you've got one... anyone else got a tiara? Take your hat off! (passenger does so to reveal a tiara)... Oh, honestly, it's absolutely pointless trying to do this if you're going to cheat. It really is awful of you;.. (fade out)


Homily  As the Biden Border Blitz continues it is amazing to see the weeks go by and more amazing stories taking place each time I look.  This week I thought we should look “across the pond” to Europe where we can see what the Biden Border Blitz is headed toward.  In Sweden, one of the Libtard members of their parliament, who just a few years ago championed the cause of open borders now realizes her mistake and wants to not only shut the border, but also begin active deportation of the “bad actors” https://www.expressen.se/debatt/jag-har-andrat-mig--om-invandringen/).  It is probably too late for them, but at least they can see the error of their way. 

Here is the U.S. the scope of the problem is starting to come into focus.  First, in Massachusetts an Illegal from Haiti that the Biden Border Blitz actually flew into the country raped a 14 year old in the hotel room tax payers are paying for him to stay in (https://www.zerohedge.com/political/haitian-national-arraigned-rape-14-year-old-girl-massachusetts-hotel)!  I am sure the girls family thanks Joe for his actions.  Meanwhile, it also came out that a Columbian Drug Lord, who was on the Interpol top ten wanted list, had snuck across the border and was running his “business” in a Texas “migrant” shelter (https://www.zerohedge.com/political/colombian-drug-lord-arrested-after-operating-out-texas-migrant-shelter)!  Apparently Austin’s City Limits are very accommodating. 

Lest you think that we have reached the lowest ebb in this situation, also this week illegals actually attacked national guardsmen and breached the U.S. Border rioting their way across the border (https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/migrant-swarm-breaches-us-southern-border-riot-erupts-us-national-guard-members-left)!  It has been a long time since foreigners have invaded the United States (210 years to be precise), so I guess we have another “accomplishment” to add the Joe Biden’s list. To top all this off The Biden Border Blitz Regime is now trying to censor the video footage of this event (https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/biden-censorship-regime-blocks-media-access-border-over-embarrassing-invasion-video-shocked).  Once again "Party over Country" shines through.  


Please join us in our recessional on page 3 of your hymnal “O Lord Please Don’t Burn Us” second verse. 

Oh Please don’t lightly poach us,  Or Baste us with hot fat,

Don’t fricassee or roast us,    Or boil us in a vat,

And please don’t stick thy servants, Lord,  In a Rotissomat. 


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